Version 1.2 - Clarification & Variant Rules


Action Score Cap

In base Ironsworn, your action can't exceed 10. Since Darkest Delves uses a variety of step dice, a clarification has been added to the rules text:

Your action score cannot exceed the value of the highest challenge die. Therefore, the action score is capped at 8 for ◇radiant, 10 for ⟐bright and ◈dim, and 12 for ❖dark and ◆dismal.

Statistically, the difference is negligible, but clarity is always an improvement!

Minor Fixes and Improvements

Fixed a couple typos, improved or clarified phrasing, and slightly adjusted wording so the added clarification fits the layout.

Classic Dice Hack

As it turns out, not everyone is buried in an avalanche of math rocks. Who knew? If you don't have piles of d8s, d10s, and d12s lying around — or those who prefer the simplicity and sanctity of Ironsworn's classic dice — these variant torchlight rules are for you!

Whenever you rely on torchlight, one of the challenge dice is set to a fixed value according to the light level.

The Classic Dice Hack lets you roll the dice you already know and love from Ironsworn instead of the step dice used by the default Darkest Delves rules. Also included are variant character sheets which let you track light levels along with their associated fixed challenge value.

Shoutout to the Ironsworn community: This update was a direct result of your feedback!


Darkest Delves v1.2 - Torchlight for Ironsworn Delve.pdf 2.3 MB
Dec 15, 2023
Darkest Delves - Classic Dice 5.7 MB
Dec 15, 2023

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