Version 1.1 - Theme and Domain patch

Normally, when you Reveal a Danger you'd roll d100 and the result would correspond with the "danger" listed on the domain or theme card. However, since torchlight oracles use your light dice instead of d100, this link was broken. Whoops!

In version 1.1, the torchlight oracle tables and explanatory text have been updated to include a process to generate theme and domain dangers. Two of the options are from the Ask the Oracle move, and the third is to roll d5 for Domain and d12 for Theme. See the updated text for more detail. 

Thanks to EdgeOfDreams for catching this oversight! I recommend checking out their Astral Assets for Ironsworn. I especially like the Lunar Warrior path—very thematic and clever design.


Darkest Delves v1.1 - Torchlight for Ironsworn Delve.pdf 2.3 MB
Dec 13, 2023
Darkest Delves v1.1 - Quick Reference.pdf 1.5 MB
Dec 13, 2023

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